Add NY to states adopting new experience mod $10,000 split point!
The New York Rating Board approved an increase in the split point from the current $5,000 to at least $15,000 in several steps, with the first step to be set at $10,000 effective October 1, 2013. Further research was recommended to determine appropriate split points subsequent to that date.
New York is making these changes following NCCI’s announcement in August 2011 to Increase the Split Point in the mod, changing over a three-year transition period from its current value of $5,000 to 10,000 for the first year starting in 2013 then 13,500 for the second year and 15,000 for the third year.
This is not surprising since New York has been on the same page as NCCI in many areas over the years.
The bottom line is that good mods will get better and bad mods will get worse. Start finding ways to knock down the mods now for your clients because if they're hit hard, they start shopping for better prices.
Reduce their mods, keep them happy, and everybody wins!